Gratitude is an elixir for the soul and the power of gratitude erupts during the holiday season. Our sense of connection to humanity is strongest during this reflective time of year. We appreciate and revere the humanity nearest to us – our family, friends, colleagues at work. We also come to have a more pronounced bond with people we have never physically met or may never meet. It’s this bond and our gratefulness for it that ignites hope, erases fear and bolsters a belief that we can experience peace in our time. This peace is underlined by a unified purpose to eliminate poverty, racism, ignorance and injustice. This peace is fortified by a common cause to increase the well-being of all – including not only our species, but all species and this wondrous planet we all inhabit.

This season we have explored the idea of what make us human. Specifically, what makes us human in the physical sense which leads us to water. Two thirds of our weight as a human is water. 95% of the human brain is water. 70% of the planet is water. Still, over one billion of us don’t have access to fresh, clean water. Unsafe water and a lack of basic sanitation cause 80% of all disease and kill more than all forms of violence, including war. It’s this particular water issue that inspires our holiday message this year. We invite you to join us in doing something about making sure all of us have access to clean, fresh. Action can begin by connecting with a range of organizations committed to addressing this issue including and charity:water.
